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Hello and Thank you!

As I sit down to write this first newsletter for The Design Coach I’m overwhelmed with a range of incredible emotions, the most prevalent being gratitude. I am so thankful for the opportunity to contribute to the design industry in my own small way.

More so, I’m incredibly indebted to the people who have both helped me realise this dream project, and those who have readily offered their support. I have had a few moments where I have felt that what I am creating is already making a difference to designers who are doing it alone in small business, and that the goals of connecting the community and sharing knowledge are being received with open arms.

In particular I want to thank the masterful David Whiting who has brought my vision of The Design Coach to life. Through his magical graphic interpretation of the brand and his skilful adaptation of the business to a fully operational website, David has contributed greatly to making my dreams a reality. A graphic designer by trade, he is currently studying interior design and so brings a very balanced and knowledgeable vision to the business.

I have been completely blown away by the enthusiasm shown by every person I have approached to join to The Design Coach community. The supremely talented line-up of designers I have delivering my Masterclasses makes my head spin! It fills me with pride to know that our industry leaders are keen to give back to the community and share their experience and insights. It also makes me excited to think about the opportunities that lie ahead for future classes!

The most satisfying aspect of creating The Design Coach has been the realisation that this isn’t just a business opportunity, it’s a mission. I truly want to see fellow designers empowered to shine brightly, equipped with the tools to be successful. More importantly, I want to encourage the design community to support one another, celebrating our wins and picking each other up when we fall or stumble.

I’m also a believer in life balance with a real focus on wellness: physical, mental and spiritual. I know we can have it all – a successful business, a playful and fulfilling personal life and contribution to the greater community.

This blog will be bringing you valuable industry insights, business and wellness tips, and most excitingly, first offer on upcoming events. Your feedback is always incredibly appreciated, so feel free to drop me a message to

Thank you for choosing to come on this mission with me! It’s early days, but I can tell that something important has begun.

Strive to be better, and always be kind.



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